Mycothèque virtuelle Virtual mycotheque
Fondation Miron Royer
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Amanite bisporigère
Amanita bisporigera
3-Amanita bisporigera, 10-08-2018, F. Miron;
Bolet parasite
Xerocomus parasiticus
8-Pseudoboletus parasiticus, 20-07-2022, Isabelle Pouliot;
Cèpe d'Amérique
Boletus chippewaensis, Boletus edulis
45-Boletus chippewaensis, 21-09-2015, F. Miron;
Craterelle couleur de flamme
Craterellus ignicolor
1-Craterellus ignicolor, 17-08-2015, F. Miron;
Amanite abrupte
Amanita abrupta
8- Amanita abrupta, 26 et 27-07-2021, Isabelle Pouliot
Bolet élégant, B. de Clinton, B. de Grévil
Suillus clintonianus, Suillus grevillei
5-Suillus clintonianus, 14-10-2015, F. Miron;
Chanterelle à flocons
Turbinellus floccosus, Gomphus floccosus
1-Turbinellus floccosus, 31-07-2011, Guy Lefebvre;
Bolet à pied velu, Bolet à pied rouge
Boletus subvelutipes
4-Boletus subvelutipes, 12-07-2016, F. Miron;
Cèpe d'Amérique
Boletus chippewaensis, Boletus edulis
11-Boletus chippewaensis, 17-09-2013, F.;
Amanite pseudo-volvée
Amanita pseudovolvata
3-Amanita pseudovolvata, 18 au 25-07-2021, F. Miron;
Amanite de Jackson
Amanita jacksonii
12-Amanita jacksonii, 2021, Yvonne Lefort;
Chanterelle commune
Cantharellus enelensis, Cantharellus cibarius
19-Cantharellus enelensis, 17-07-2015, F. Miron;
Amanite farineuse
Amanita farinosa
2-Amanita farinosa, 14-07-2021. Isabelle Pouliot
Amanite de Morris
Amanita morrisii
1-Amanita morrisii, 20-08-2020, F. Miron;
Amanite de Jackson
Amanita jacksonii
8-Amanita jacksonii, 29-07-2021, Katherine Miklis;
Bolet rubigineux
Chalciporus rubinellus
1-Chalciporus rubinellus, Yolande Dalpé, Outaouais, Qc.;
Bolet bleuissant
Gyroporus cyanescens
2-Gyroporus cyanescens, 17-08-2015, F. Miron;
Amanite à voile écailleux
Amanita multisquamosa
5-Amanita multisquamosa, 21-07-2019, F. Miron;
Chanterelle à plis pâles
Cantharellus cibarius var. pallidifolius
7-Cantharellus cibarius var. pallidifolius, 05-07-2023, François Guay;
Chanterelle à flocons
Turbinellus floccosus, Gomphus floccosus
5-Turbinellus floccosus, 13-08-2015, Jean-Yves Proulx;
Chanterelle cinabre
Cantharellus cinnabarinus
1-Cantharellus cinnabarinus, 27-08-2015, F. Miron;
Bolet à pied creux
Suillus cavipes, Suillus ampliporus
5-Suillus ampliporus, 14-10-2015, F. Miron;

Welcome to the virtual mycothèque of the Miron-Royer Foundation Inc.!

Our goal is to illustrate the diversity of shapes, colors, habitats and geographic distribution of fungi in Quebec and Eastern Canada.

The photos are taken by amateur mycologists who agree to illustrate in detail the fungi in their region. Often, when taking photos, the person does not necessarily know the name of the fungus, the objective being to collect in photos all the information that will allow its identification later by means of keys and specialized books or with the collaboration of specialists in the field. A great way to learn and develop your knowledge of mycology.

Viewing of these photos is available free of charge to anyone who wishes to view them while respecting the copyrights attached to them.

All collaborations are welcome and enjoy your visit to the mycothèque.

Fernand Miron, biologist, responsible for the project.


Par des vidéoconférences, accédez à des formations complètes sur l’identification des champignons et leur photographie.


Identifiez vos champignons au moyen de clefs visuelles et de descriptions détaillées sous forme de textes et de photos.