Mycothèque virtuelle Virtual mycotheque
Fondation Miron Royer
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Number of photo series : 2093
Total number of photos : 37460

Bolete / Stipe reticulate, on at least the upper part

Xerocomus tenax

Bolet tenace

6-Xerocomus tenax, 21-07-2022, Isabelle Pouliot;
5-Xerocomus tenax, 01-08-2022, Isabelle Pouliot;
4-Xerocomus tenax, 21-07-2021, Isabelle Pouliot;
3-Xerocomus tenax, 06-09-2016, F. Miron
2-Xerocomus tenax, 06-09-2016, F. Miron
1-Xerocomus tenax, 04-09-2016, F. Miron